Meditation for connection to you and your little one in early mamahood, particularly good in 4th trimester, but good at any point! Allowing yourself time and space to feel into your magic as a woman and as a Mama, and holding a beautiful and unique conneciton with your baby.
This Pregnancy Meditation is a transformative practice that deepens the bond between pregnant mamas and their little ones. Through guided visualisation and deep breathing, mothers create a sacred space for self-discovery and connection. They visualise their baby's presence envisioning a warm, loving light enveloping both mother and child, and celebrate their body's incredible capabilities. This practice nurtures emotional well-being, empowering women to embrace the beauty and magic of pregnancy.
I want to help you to allow yourself to connect with and share love with your precious little rainbow soul. To show them your love and allow yourself that hope. To allow yourself to build that hope that you will bring them safe and happy and healthy into your arms.